North American Union: Independent Canada, class leadership, and resistance to Empire
by Charles Jeanes
Apparently gone are the days where Canadians can rely on leaders like Pierre Elliot Trudeau [Left] to rescue us from an elite driven American take-over agenda, that has threatened Canada even before its Confederation. Current Prime Minister Stephen Harper [Right], in association with Canadian and U.S. based Big Business interests, pursues U.S. President George W. Bush's take-over agenda against Canada.
The editor-publisher of our local weekly newspaper, once my employer, this week wrote a column advocating the “Amero” -- a common currency agenda for Canada, Mexico and the USA. This newsman is not usually a political writer, yet maybe his ideas are more attuned with the common opinions of our town than mine are; I can never get elected to city council, despite four attempts. I don't “resonate” with the public in my electoral platforms, I have been told by the editor of the other newspaper. I oppose the idea of one continental currency (the so-called “Amero"), or of anything else that will submerge us more thoroughly into any form of union with the USA. So naturally the present project of Bush, Harper and Calderon for North American Union (NAU), or Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP), pushes my outrage button. Setting outrage on pause, I want to examine why Canadians should reject these schemes.
Canadian proponents of the Am-Can-Mex Union scheme are not bad people, but they have weak concepts of Canadianism. They are, in one word, unenlightened -- whether one means “enlightened” in its sense of educated and insightful, or in its spiritual sense of uplifted and un-self-centred. Yet their secular leadership is not without effect in our national politics, economics, schools, and media.
It is still within the power of Canadians to head-off the "deep integration" of their nation within a continental super-state, if we have the political will to act accordingly. So herewith, I will make an historical case against NAU and SPP. It is sometimes a harsh judgement of my fellow-citizens, but bear with me. I do believe in the basic wisdom of Canadians. We just need our consciousness focused.