Thursday, November 1, 2007

Robert Pastor and the Birth of the Amero

INTELLIGENCE REPORT The nativists also charge you with promoting a North American currency to be called the "Amero." Is that so?
PASTOR I borrowed that idea from a Canadian economist called H. G. Grubel. But I just put his idea on the table for discussion, along with other options. The problem is that the right-wing attacks have made people so fearful they don't even want to open a discussion.

As economies become more integrated, the cost of changing money and of anticipating sharp changes in the exchange rate become a burden on the economies. That is why Europe moved to a single currency. A few economists have begun to raise the question as to what can be learned from Europe's rocky road to a single currency that might be helpful in thinking about the economic future of North America. These are complicated issues that will take time to study. The problem is that these vicious, know-nothing attacks have stifled research and debate.

Pastor's ideas should be honestly considered.  The NAU or anything like it is not to be entered into lightly, nor should it be rejected out of hand.  It might make many lives better.  But,  it must be discussed openly and all participants given a chance to examine the proposal. 


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